Steps to integrate custodial wallet (Offramp)
Client can integrate custodial wallets for offramp orders in Onmeta widget following the steps below :
Make sure you have set widget parameter metamask=disabled so that custodial wallet flow is triggered.

Onmeta will send below request body to client's otp-api endpoint to send otp to user email. Client has to expose otp endpoint for onmeta.

On clicking the confirm button above order will be created.
To get the crypto in users wallet send below request body to users withdrawal endpoint, client has to expose transfer api endpoint for onmeta to make transfer request.
If you pass any metaData for widget initialisation that will forwarded to you from above body within orderDetails filed.
Below is the expected response for success case of transfer API.
Below is the expected reponse for failure case of transfer API. Set your error inside code filed to show in widget.